Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Essential Nutrients for Kids

Some vitamins, minerals and nutrients are especially critical for healthy growth.

Vitamin D:

A lack of this vitamin can cause serious illness such as rickets, a disease that weakens bones. This vitamin is present in fish, dairy products and egg yolks. Your child can also obtain vitamin D from being exposed to sunlight. The daily recommended intake of vitamin D for children ages 1 to 18 is 15 micro-grams per day.


Sufficient calcium is essential for strong bones and good health. Toddlers need about 700 milligrams and teens about 1300 milligrams of calcium daily. Good calcium sources include milk and milk products or milk alternatives fortified with calcium, green leafy vegetables and fish. As a guide, 8-ounce glass of milk contains about 300 milligrams of calcium.


Not eating enough of this important mineral can hamper your child's growth. By the age of six months, your baby has depleted the iron he or she received in utero. As you start to introduce solids, make sure to include pureed green leafy vegetables, meats, beans and keep including iron rich foods in your child's diet.

Healthy Fats:

Before the age of 2, your toddler's diet should be high in fatty acids to ensure healthy brain development. Good sources include whole milk products, fish and olive oil. After age 2, you should switch your child to low fat foods.

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