Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Creating a Balanced Meal

When we make a meal for our children, of course we want to make it balanced. And there's been a lot of talk about, how much carbohydrate, how much protein, how many vegetable servings everyday we should give to our children. And that is important, but we can't lose sight of the fact that a meal is so much more than
nutrients. A meal shows our children that we care for them, that we love them. And that's not to say that parent's who are too busy to cook for their children, can't find other ways of showing them love and showing them care. But the fact is that from the minute our children are born, they're dependent on us for food. So, if we do have even half an hour or 20 minutes in the day to make a fresh meal for them, it's really so much more than providing them with nutrients.We want to compose a meal that's fresh, that's attractive, and then we want to sit down with them and share it with them.

So, when we put together a meal, let's start by thinking, what am I going to serve for this meal. Dont start with the protein. A great meal will have lots of vegetables, a small portion of protein and a source of complex carbohydrates. Go unprocessed as much as possible with children.

You will set them up for success.And there's also been a lot of research about the importance of family meals and how children who have family meals do better in school. They do better socially. They have an outlet for their thoughts, for their problems and they have a partner in their dialogue. So, let's try and sit down.

Let's remember that we're serving our children more than just nutrients.We're serving them love and care, and let's try and sit together and talk with them.

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