Monday, August 4, 2014

First Aid Care for Minor Scrapes and Cuts

Children often get scrapes on their elbows and knees. Scrapes usually don't bleed  very much but can get infected. So it is necessary to give first aid for such kind of scrapes to avoid infection.

Here are some tips:
  • Stop bleeding by pressing the wound with sterile dressing or clean, dry cloth.
  • If bleeding is from an arm or leg, raise the arm or leg while pressing on the wound. Don't raise an arm or leg that is broken.
  • Wash the wound with clean, running water. Carefully wash the area around the wound with soap and a soft wash cloth. Try to keep soap out of the wound to avoid irritation.
  • Apply a bandage.
  • If the scrape or cut is very dirty, your child may need a tetanus booster shot. Check with a medical provider if your child's last tetanus shot was more than 5 years ago.

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