Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Home Remedies to soothe our child's cold:

Cold usually lasts for one week to ten days. While none of these home remedies will cure your child's illness but they can help them to feel better.

Lots of rest: 

Child needs lot of energy to fight against an infection. So only when your child is under rest, he is healing. Bed is not necessarily the best place to take rest. If your child finds hard to take rest, allow them to sit and watch their favorite videos, rhymes, etc.

Turmeric milk:

Turmeric has natural antibiotic properties. Mixing a little amount of turmeric with a warm milk is considered as a best remedy for cold and cough due to its antiviral and antibacterial properties. It gives instant relief to sore throat, cough and cold.

Steamy air:

Breathing moist air helps to loosen the mucus in the nasal passages. Give your child warm bath in a steamy bathroom. If it is not a convenient time for bath, simply turn on the hot water shower, close the bathroom door, and sit in the steamy room with your child for about 15 mins.

Keep your child hydrated:

Drinking water at regular intervals will help your child to fight against the infection. Other fluids in the form of a warm soup or a fresh juice are also beneficial for replenishing the body's lost energy.

These are some of the home remedies to soothe our child's cold. Usually i used to try these things  for my son instead of giving medicines. :)

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